NGO in Ethiopia – Empowerment for Development

Empowerment for development

Empowering Futures: Bringing Hope for Marginalized Women and Children in Remote Ethiopia.

Our Story

Empowerment for Development /ED/ is a national NGO which comes into life as a result of the dialogue lab organized by Global Leadership Academy of Germany together with the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

This dialogue assembled 33 global participants from media, academia, African Union, United Nations, International and national civil society organizations who comes from Africa, Europe and Asia represented 25 countries and three continents to reflect their ideas and to find better solution for the theme of “Unveil the Hidden Presence: Trafficking in Women and Children”. Read More…



Empowerment for Development (ED) is dedicated to empower women and children, as well as supporting migrants, victims of trafficking, IDPs, and refugees through interventions that address gender-based violence, human rights, climate change, humanitarian emergencies, health, education, migration, and peace.


Empowerment for Development (ED) envisions to create a world where women and children, as well as migrants, victims of trafficking, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and refugees enjoy a quality of life free from rights violations and fear, with access to essential services and opportunities for empowerment.

Core Values

ED is guided by code of conduct to build creative and trusting relationships with donors and beneficiaries to meet programs with the guidance of the following core values.

Work and act in consistence with our mission, being honest and transparent in what we do and say, and accept responsibility for our collective and individual actions at all time and levels.

Work together effectively and efficiently to serve our impact groups and community at large while giving priority and interest to the people whom we serve.

Fully answerable to our decisions and works as well as to our donors, partners and beneficiaries.

Respect the dignity, culture, religion of the people we serve and beside respect the norms and policies of the government and donors whom we work with.

Constantly will demonstrate the highest level of learning and consider best practices that can lead us to attain our set objectives and goals.

Seek and enhance effective gender mainstreaming in all its service delivery at any level.

Guided by professionalism and volunteerism in all its service delivery to the target beneficiaries and stakeholders.

Humanitarian Emergency


ED is established and managed by highly devoted professionals having different levels of qualification with good NGO reputation. Staff members of ED have abundant experience in implementing various donor support projects in NGOs sector and working with different stakeholders and vulnerable communities. The board members of ED ( lead by female, 3MA & 2 BA) have good reputation in working with civil society organizations and other sectors which believed to promote ED as a front runner in this field at East African level. ED has good experience in mobilizing communities for change and has more than 317 volunteers across Ethiopia.

ED uses its own Manuals and policies for smooth and transparent implementation of its projects. Among the manuals are financial management, Human Resource, Procurement, Monitoring & Evaluation, Volunteers manuals are indorsed by the board of ED and currently in use. In addition to this ED has the following policies: – Child protection policy, gender policy, anti-fraud & anti-corruption policy, anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Policy, Safe guarding policies, Travel and perdiem policy, Internal Control Policy and Procedure, Cost Allocation policy, and Code of ethics are the basis for EDs work.  The organizational structure of ED is aligned with its strategic plan, intervention areas and its mission. 

USAID has approved ED’s organizational profile after a thorough evaluation, leading to its inclusion in the Work with USAID Partner Directory. This recognition highlights ED’s distinctive value proposition and enables ED to seek sub grants from USAID‘s established partner organizations. Moreover, the USAID Ethiopia mission is currently offering a capacity building program to ED in preparation for a future direct grant from USAID.



Membership & Networking

ED contribution at continental and global level

  • Africa Union ECOSOCC theme of the year 2021consultation sessions
  • Safe from the Start a USAID program on GBV meetings
  • GLAC Africa
  • Bond facilitated discussions on the theme ‘Build Back Better’ for G7 meeting in April, 2021

Our Partners

It’s impossible for us without your generous support and trust. Thank you for your support & trust!

US Embassy

Canada Embassy

Contributing to the Global Goals


Latest Post

ED Joined CHS Alliance

Empowerment for Development (ED) is formally joined the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) Alliance. The CHS Alliance is a global alliance of humanitarian and development organisation committed to making aid work better for people. The Alliance was formed in 2015 by bringing together the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) International, which focused...

Blog Posts

Endorsement and Mentions

The German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) highlighted the Empowerment for Development (ED) initiative in the CtA 2022 annual report. This remarkable...

Our health interventions

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Latest announcement

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